Eucharistic Revival

January 22, 2025 | 10:00 am

EUCHARISTIC REVIVAL: June 11, 2023, through July 17, 2024, has been designated by the United States Catholic Bishops as the Year of Parish Revival.

Are you yearning for some quiet time with our Lord in today’s noisy world?
Our Lady of the Lake will be starting five (5) hours of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday following the 9 am Mass starting June 14th during the Year of Parish Eucharistic Revival! Confession will be available from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm today.

Three “guardians” will need to commit to 1 hour for each of the 5 hours a week. Others may come for as little or as long as you would like! Please prayerfully consider joining us in this Sacred ministry—you will not regret it!