What is the Lord asking me today for my parish family? How can you get involved in the parish apostolate, in the mission of the church in my parish and community? When we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, we gather as Eucharistic people. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Church’s life. It is the center and goal of all sacramental life. The Church’s sacraments, ministries, and works of apostolate are bound up with the Eucharist and are directed towards it. Below are some of the ways you can share your time and talents with our parish family by contributing to one, or more, of the following ministries.
Art and Environment
A group that helps to decorate the church and make our worship space beautiful.
Offertory Counters
A group that counts the funds collected at mass each week.
Music Ministry
This group shares their gift of music with the parish family at weekend mass, solemnities, as well as wedding and funeral masses.
Home-Bound Ministry
These individuals visit and take care of our home-bound parish family members.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
This group helps with the distribution of holy communion at mass.
These members proclaim god’s word in the liturgy.
Altar Servers
Assist the priest before and during the mass in the sanctuary.
Hospitality Ministry
Ushers and Greeters
These volunteers minister by promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging to all who come for mass, they are the first point of contact for parishioners and visitors entering the church.
Parish Social Activities
This ministry makes sure that all parish functions, coffee and donuts, welcome baskets, parish picnics, funeral luncheons, etc, are well organized and promoted.
Communion for the Homebound:
If you are unable to attend Mass because of illness, injury, or age and would like to receive communion at your home, please contact the parish office at 989-821-5591. Also, if you are admitted to the hospital and wish to receive a visit, call the parish office.